0.1°c |
Wind: Humidity: |
W 10 km/h 84% |
Sunrise: Sunset: Normal max: Normal min: |
06:23 16:43 1°c -4°c |
Observed at: Nelson Tuesday December 03, 2024 at 09:00 PST |
High: 2°c Mainly cloudy except mainly sunny above the valley cloud. High plus 2. UV index 1 or low. |
Low: -1°c Mainly cloudy except a few clouds above the valley cloud. Low minus 1. |
High: 2°c Mainly cloudy except mainly sunny above the valley cloud. High plus 2. UV index 1 or low. |
Low: -2°c Cloudy. |
High: 1°c A mix of sun and cloud. |
Low: -1°c Snow. |
High: 2°c Periods of rain. |
Low: 0°c Rain or snow. |
(Data supplied by Environment Canada.)