-13.3°c Light Snow |
Feels like: Wind: Humidity: Visibility: |
-21°c SE 16 km/h 89% 24.1 km |
Sunrise: Sunset: Normal max: Normal min: |
10:07 15:06 -22°c -30°c |
Observed at: Yellowknife Airport Sunday December 22, 2024 at 07:00 MST |
High: -12°c PoP: 30% Mainly cloudy with 30 percent chance of flurries. Risk of freezing drizzle late this afternoon. Wind southeast 20 km/h. High minus 12. Wind chill near minus 23. |
Low: -12°c PoP: 60% Mainly cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries and risk of freezing drizzle. Wind southeast 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Temperature steady near minus 12. Wind chill near minus 21. |
High: -11°c PoP: 30% Mainly cloudy with 30 percent chance of flurries in the morning and early in the afternoon. Periods of snow beginning in the afternoon. Risk of freezing drizzle in the morning. Wind up to 15 km/h. Temperature falling to minus 15 in the afternoon. Wind chill near minus 20. |
Low: -20°c Cloudy. |
High: -12°c A mix of sun and cloud. |
Low: -12°c Cloudy. |
High: -8°c A mix of sun and cloud. |
Low: -11°c Cloudy periods. |
(Data supplied by Environment Canada.)